Building An SEO Strategy

Are you tired of watching your website languish in the mining depths of Google rankings instead of shining bright like a diamond at the top? If so, buckle up because you’re about to embark on a journey to turn this around. But we’re not wandering aimlessly; we’ve got a foolproof map to make every step more deliberate than ever before with an SEO strategy. Our guide promises to be the oxygen tank that saves you from deep sea digital oblivion and propels you into the spotlight where your brand truly belongs!

Decoding SEO: Essentially Basics

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a process that is aimed at enhancing the visibility of your website in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. By getting to know the basics of SEO, you will be able to develop a more precise and effective strategy for improving your website’s search engine ranking.

One of the fundamental elements of SEO is keyword research. Keyword research involves identifying specific words or phrases that users type into search engines when looking for products or services relevant to your business. By understanding what keywords are associated with your business, you can then optimize your website accordingly to ensure it appears as prominently as possible in search results when people look for those terms.

Another critical element of SEO is creating high-quality content. When developing content for your website, focus on generating material that is both informative and engaging. While good grammar and spelling are essential, you need to also make sure that your content is visually appealing. The use of images, videos, or infographics can help break up text and make it easier for readers to follow along.

When optimizing your site for search engines, do not forget the importance of site architecture. Your website should be organized in such a way that it helps both users and search engines navigate it with ease. Streamlining the navigation on your site using clear categories and subcategories can go a long way towards improving user experience, which in turn can boost rankings.

For instance, consider if you were designing an e-commerce website selling clothing items from hats to shoes. You would want to create separate product pages for each category with easy-to-browse subcategories such as men’s clothing and women’s clothing. By doing so, you help potential customers find the item they need while also making it easier for search engines to crawl the site.

SEO’s Core Elements

While there are many components involved in crafting an effective SEO strategy, certain core elements are essential to focus on. These elements lay the foundation of your SEO strategy and include on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical optimization.

On-page optimization refers to the factors that influence the content of your website directly. This includes optimizing your website’s metadata, such as title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, as well as optimizing the actual content on each page for your target audience and specific keywords.

Off-page optimization involves factors that impact your website’s traffic and engagement through external sources such as backlinks or social media. The most significant part of off-page SEO is creating quality inbound links to your site from trusted and relevant sources.

Technical optimization deals with the technical aspects of your website that can impact its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves things like XML sitemaps, machine-readable metadata, mobile compatibility, site speed, and security.

For instance, let’s suppose you opt to invest in technical optimization by increasing the load time of your site since even a one second delay in page load time can cause significant drops in engagement. By optimizing your images, leveraging browser caching and other options to compress large files, reducing HTTP requests or switching to a faster server can all contribute towards improving site speed.

Market and Competitor Insight

Once you’ve set specific objectives for your SEO strategy, the next step is to gain insight into the market you operate in and the competition you face. Conducting research helps you understand what your potential customers are looking for, how they describe their pain points, and what features they expect from products or services like yours.

For example, you can start by conducting a keyword research to identify the most relevant search phrases that people are using to find solutions to their problems. You may discover that there are nuances that are unique to your industry or geographic region that differentiate your customer needs from those found elsewhere.

And it is important to focus on ACTUAL local competition.

Think of this process as hunting for buried treasure. You’re digging through mountains of data to uncover hidden gems that may give you an edge over your rivals. When you find these valuable insights, you can craft content and create marketing campaigns that resonate with your customers at a deep level.

Furthermore, analyzing your competitors’ SEO strategies offers many benefits. By studying the tactics they use to rank higher than you on search engine results pages (SERPs), and content creation strategies they’ve implemented, you’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to outperform them.

However, some businesses may view competitive analysis as potentially harmful because the insights gleaned from it can be used against them by others who wish to replicate their success. But instead, entrepreneurs should see value in learning from competitors’ mistakes while also recognizing opportunities for reinvention and innovation.

Types of Competitors

It’s best to think of competitors in three tiers:

  • Low-level: Smaller-sized companies without much online presence, usually starting out or relatively new.
  • Mid-level: Experienced, known within certain groups, mid-sized companies.
  • High-level: Very experienced, Nationally and/or International recognition, large-sized companies.

If are a new or small company, say a roofing company with only 2 crews that’s been open for 1 year, and you say your competitors are the biggest roofing companies in town that have dozens of crews and multiple locations, or worse yet you compare to a remodeling company not in your niche, you’re going to have a hard time getting good results.

For one, it’s going to be hard to copy all of what the big dogs are doing if you are a startup. These other businesses are already well known with a huge online presence. And you won’t gain many real insights by analyzing them.

They are at a different level.

These companies will likely have large marketing budgets and teams. The public knows them and trusts them. The companies are free to choose the topic that they wish, but they will most likely receive some exposure.

Another thing that is often the case with these large companies, they have a huge team to produce content.

If you are a small company, it’s unrealistic to compete.

Note: Any qualified SEO agency can sort through all marketing ideas and target keywords from your larger competitors to find opportunities for you. But, there will be limits to what you can do without having a good online presence.

Competitor Keyword Analysis

It is important to identify keywords that are relevant to your niche and clients’ pain points.

Make sure to save any keywords you are interested in into a separate spreadsheet. However, don’t dive into them too deeply yet. (We’ll get there later.)

Any keyword that has good traffic is added to the list.

Local JuggernautTM uses a tool to automate this process so that we can spend more time analyzing keywords and finding better content topics.

Building an In-depth SEO Roadmap

Once you have identified your goals and target market, the next step towards a successful SEO strategy is to build an in-depth roadmap. It involves taking a detailed approach to understand how to get from point A (where you are now) to point B (your desired position).

One of the first things you need to determine while developing your SEO roadmap is keyword research. The right keywords can help improve your website’s visibility, traffic, and rankings. However, blindly stuffing keywords into your content can do more harm than good. Your keyword selection must align with your overall SEO objectives and be integrated naturally into your content.

Another essential aspect of developing a comprehensive roadmap for SEO success is understanding website architecture. Your site’s structure needs to be optimized so that search engines crawl seamlessly through it, identify relevant pages and content, and index them accurately. This includes URL structure, page titles & meta descriptions, header tags, schema markup, and internal links.

Furthermore, technical SEO focuses on improving website speed, security protocols, mobile-friendliness, 404 errors and other issues that may hinder optimal user experience. These elements can significantly impact your rankings and are critical considerations when building any website or optimizing it for search engines.

Finally, conducting regular audits is vital to keep your SEO strategy aligned with industry trends and best practices. The audit should include a review of your on-page optimization efforts such as keyword usage density and backlink profiles. Fixing site errors will boost user experience and ensure that search engines recognize the relevance of your content.

Suppose you run an e-commerce store selling pet products online. Conducting keyword research for the words “pet products” might lead you to a high-volume phrase; however, while this term may attract many visitors, not all of them may be interested in purchasing products on your site. Hence identifying long-tail keywords like “organic dog food” or “cat litter for sensitive skin” will help you understand the specific needs of your target audience and drive quality traffic to your website.

Improving website architecture is critical to the success of any SEO strategy. For instance, URL structure optimization is essential because it helps search engines such as Google crawl and index your pages more efficiently. Similarly, internal linking ensures that page authority flows through your site naturally, which increases your rankings.

While conducting an audit is vital in analyzing the performance of your SEO strategy, some argue that regular audits can be time-consuming and produce little results. However, conducting regular audits can help identify issues quickly; address them before they escalate into major problems, and fix technical errors that could harm your website’s ranking.

Translating your SEO Strategy into Action

After you have done all the necessary preparations and created a solid plan for your SEO strategy, the next step is to put it into action. You need to execute your plan with precision and consistency over time to achieve meaningful results. The following are some critical steps that can help you translate your SEO strategy into action:

First, begin implementing your on-page optimization tasks such as incorporating target keywords in your website pages, creating meta descriptions, optimizing title tags, and updating header tags, among others. This step aims to make sure that the search engines clearly understand what each page of your website is all about.

Secondly, start building high-quality content around those target keywords. Avoid stuffing too many keywords or irrelevant content on your web pages as this can hurt both user experience and visibility. Instead, focus on producing fresh, quality content regularly while keeping in mind the keywords that drive traffic and engagement.

Thirdly, off-page optimization should be taken into consideration as well. Build domain authority by acquiring legitimate backlinks from reputable sites within your business niche. The number of credible links coming from other websites plays a significant role in Google’s ranking algorithm.

Fourthly, monitor and gather data on the effectiveness of every action you take against set goals by using web metrics tools such as Google Analytics or SEMrush. Companies these days are data-driven organizations that measure everything they do online with technical modifications that help them improve their user experience or lead capture.

To better understand this concept think of it like cooking where you have different flavors (content), ingredients (keywords), spices (metatags), and so on. But it’s the process itself (SEO) that makes everything come together beautifully. It is essential to keep track of what you’re putting in and what comes out; otherwise, you might end up with a bland meal that no one wants to eat.

Lastly, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. With more and more people accessing the internet through mobile devices, it’s crucial for your site to be easily accessible via various mobile devices. Google now has mobile-first indexing, which means, they index sites based on their performance and content on mobile devices first.

By following these steps, you’ll create an effective SEO strategy that can translate into action successfully. Ensure you are regularly monitoring and adjusting your strategy as demand increases in your industry – keep a close eye on competitors and always strive to improve. SEO requires patience and diligence; approach it with consistency and persistence to achieve long-term success online.

Now that you have your SEO Strategy

It takes a lot of effort to create an SEO strategy.

Analyzing multiple data streams from multiple sources is essential. You must also organize them. When researching keywords, you must also know what to look out for. With all the work that goes into keyword research, it is easy to forget key terms or rush through the process.

Making mistakes at this stage can cost you.

SEO is a complex process. You don’t want to wait resources for months only to find out you were following the wrong strategy.

And with all your other responsibilities running your business, you may not have the time, energy, or patience to conduct this level of research.

Local JuggernautTM makes it all so much easier with our SEO Blitzes.

This includes speaking with your sales team, keyword research, and creating an actionable plan for your SEO that will get results.

Get More Leads from Organic Traffic

The Local JuggernautTM System grew from our obsessive desire to get the best results possible for our clients. Local service providers must get increased local traffic to get more leads.

Get Your Traffic Projection Report

Not your Mama’s free SEO Audit…

Do you wonder if SEO is a good investment for your growth? Because we are here to tell you that SEO is not the right call for all businesses.

But you don’t want to wait 6 to 12 months into an SEO campaign to figure out how much additional traffic you are going to get.

Our Traffic Project Report is an easy to understand overview of how much potential organic traffic is available in your market area to tap into. It shows how much additional traffic you could get to your website with our Local JuggernautTM SEO Blitzes.

This will help you get a clear picture of the potential value local SEO could provide BEFORE you decide!