Not your Mama’s Free SEO Audit.

We’re here to tell you that SEO is not the right allocation of marketing budget for all businesses. Our Traffic Projection Report will show the possible ROI from organic traffic in your addressable market so you can make the right call for your business.

You won’t need to wait until you’re 6-7 months into a campaign to see if the traffic is there.

Traffic Projection ReportThe How…


Discovery Call

We jump on a quick discovery call and get details about your company, goals, competitors, and we get access to your Google Analytics.


Data Input

We take all the data from you and from Google Analytics, load it into our system to get the projected traffic numbers.


Projection Results

We send you the repot so you can review the results and determine if SEO is going to be a good investment for your business.

What’s In The Traffic Projection


We get your data from your Google Analytics, keyword data, and competitor keyword data.


Our tool uses set formulas to analyze potential growth patterns on your website.

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Using the data, we show you that potential traffic with 3 different scenarios.


You’ll see traffic estimations that you can use to guide the conversation about SEO in an easy-to-read PDF.

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SEO isn’t the right marketing strategy for every business. You’ll see whether or not it’s worth pursuing.


Determine if you want to approach SEO and the appropriate level of investment. See your possible ROI.


Why Must I Book a Discovery Call?

We promise this is a very short call. But we do need you to talk with us first. We need to be able to pull historical data in your Google Analytics, and we must have access to get that information. Only you can provide us that access.

We will also want to talk about your business goals and your competitors. Once we have all that info we put it in our system so we can run a comprehensive analysis to build your report showing the projected traffic that SEO could pull in.

What Makes This Better Than Other “Free” SEO Audits?

Most agencies that offer SEO audits for free are just using the reports from tools like SEMRush or Ahrefs and anyone can easily do this with just the click of a button. But these reports will not show you anything other than the technical site issues listed out that you should address for SEO.

Now, while that is very helpful, that isn’t gonna inform you to where you should focus your efforts or why. All you get is a list of errors to fix.

The traffic projection report we create shows the potential traffic that could be driven to your site over the next year so you can equate that to the potential return on your marketing dollars.

How Do You Create the Report?

We get your sites’ historical data directly from your business’ Google Analytics account. And we also use the Ahrefs tool to obtain current keyword data on your site, competitors, and market. This allows us to determine the addressable market. (How much traffic is out there to capture.)

Are The Traffic Projections Accurate?

These traffic projections are estimates.

There isn’t a way to “precisely” predict organic traffic when Google updates on a regular basis and the traffic can fluctuate. However, these numbers are based on past traffic and current trends to get the best estimate possible.

Do I Really Need SEO?

Maybe not.

SEO isn’t the best tactic for each and every business.

Deciding if it is a good investment for your business will depend a lot on your specific market. We create our traffic projection report to analyze that market and see the possible traffic so you can decide if investing in SEO is the right fit for your business.