Blitz SEO

Helping You Get More Traffic & Leads

Local JuggernautTM uses Blitz SEO that turns your website into a revenue generation tool in half the time as traditional SEO. Read below WHY Blitz SEO is better and SEO retainers suck!

Blitz SEO
SEO Retainer

SEO Retainers Suck!

Why? Because you are probably overpaying for your SEO.

Most agencies lock their clients into a monthly retainer for SEO services. They do the bulk of the work up front, then scale down efforts around month 4-6.

The fact is, most technical SEO issues on your website are just a one-time fix that can be done within the first month. Once the technical aspects of the site are good, there are really only 2 levers that drive success: Quality Content and Backlinks.

So why would my SEO provider lock me into a retainer?

They are either taking advantage of you or they are stuck in outdated methodology.

There used to be some merit in the slow and steady approach to SEO as Google used to flag outliers. But those days are gone and there is no penalty for getting SEO tasks done faster. Yet most SEO agencies still want to lock you in to a retainer as it benefits them (not you) and they slow their workflow to justify that retainer each month. Our Blitz SEO is different.

How Blitz SEO works better.

Since Blitz SEO is a deliverables based model, you get a set price for those items you need to drive more traffic and leads.

Meaning you will get exactly what you’ve paid for on each and every blitz.

We do not trap you in a monthly retainer that just wastes our time and your money on busy work or endless meetings because that will NOT drive results.

What actually drives results:

1. You need a properly optimized, functioning website

2. You need high quality content that will establish your authority and move your prospects deeper into the buying journey

3. You need backlinks from established, relevant and trusted websites for your content to perform better

4. You need to be in the Google Maps 3-Pack

And those 4 things are EXACTLY what Local JuggernautTM Blitz SEO addresses.

The Blitzes We Offer

Each of our clients begin with our Foundation Blitz. Our additional blitzes are designed to follow the customized strategy developed during the foundation blitz to increase traffic and grow your revenue.

Foundation Blitz

A comprehensive SEO strategy created from data on your site, your competitors, and the total addressable market.

It Includes:

  • Comprehensive Technical Audit
  • Page-Level Content Evaluation
  • Competitor Analysis
  • SEO Strategy with Actionable Steps
  • Consultation and Planning
  • Content Blitz

Using the SEO strategy we create in this blitz, we design page-level recommendations (content briefs) for our team and writers.

Completion Time: 1-2 Weeks

Technical Blitz

Technical Blitz

If you have technical SEO issues with your existing site, we fix these main issues that will make it difficult to rank. (Not needed if you are building a new site with our preferred vendor.)

It Includes:

  • Identifying Technical Issues
  • Fixing Critical Issues
  • Schema Data Updates
  • Site Speed Optimization

Completion Time: 4 Weeks

GBP Blitz

Local Service Providers need to dominate the maps. We analyze your Google Business Profile (formerly GMB) to find and fix gaps and push you to the top.

It Includes:

  • Maps Profile Audit
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Neighborhood Strategy
  • Copy Updates
  • Link Building Strategy

Completion Time: 4 Weeks

Content Blitz

Our content briefs outline each piece of content needed in detail. No more guessing what content to write. No more writers block. (We also offer content writing!)

It Includes:

  • Content Evaluation
  • Keyword Research
  • Topic Mapping
  • Content Management and Support

Completion Time: 4 Weeks

Link Building Blitz

Relevant backlinks from high-authority sites are crucial to your campaign performance. We can get them for you.

It Includes:

  • Backlink Profile Analysis
  • Link Building Strategy
  • Email Outreach and Link Negotiation
  • Acquisition Management + Tracking – using the data from your foundation blitz, we research link opportunities and build an outreach campaign.

Completion Time: 4 Weeks

Analytics Blitz

Tired of analytics reports filled with vanity metrics or hard to understand data? Get clear reporting that connects SEO to results.

It Includes:

  • Audit Reporting
  • Setup of Analytics
  • Event & Goal Tracking
  • Dashboard for Tracking Results

Completion Time: 2 Weeks

Stop Paying for Busywork That Doesn’t Get Results

The majority of SEOs are just busy but not really productive.

Because they must justify a monthly retainer, they have tons of pointless tasks they can work on to eat up hours. But sadly, most of what they work on will not actually get results.

So you end up paying for the agency’s work, not your results!

At Local JuggernautTM, we focus on productivity with our Blitz SEO. Only doing the work that is going to get you the results in the fastest time. We are a lean, mean, SEO machine!

Switch to Local SEO that WORKS!

You shouldn’t have to be locked into a retainer to get the results you deserve!

SEO Busy Work

Being Productive vs Being Busy

Productive SEO

Local JuggernautTM has an internal suite of tools and processes to help us take all the data from your Google Analytics along with data from several SEO tools to measure your site and your competitor’s sites against the total addressable market. We then find the gaps that will make the biggest impact to attack. Our internal system is built on streamline processes and cutting edge technology for our Blitz SEO. This means we can do the work more efficiently.

These workflows reduce our team’s time intensive menial tasks through automation and continuous improvements to our tools.

Menial SEO tasks and “busy work” do NOT bog us down.

We have processes and systems that are focused ONLY on the tasks that make a difference. This gives us more time to focus on developing the best strategies and building assets that drive results.